May assist in calming and settling anxious and or stressed horses and dogs
Assists/ Aids in the management of reducing the impacts of stress related to horses and dogs experiencing change of Environments/Circumstances, Inc Travel-Stress-Physical Work,Iness or Injury.
*This product does not treat a disease, condition or injury. The information provided is a general guide only.
Nu-Age Ingredients: Utilising Nu-Poly Peptides that are scientifically combined with natural ingredients such as vitamins, and herbs to create a synergistic effect, which results in a well-balanced formula.
*This product does not treat a disease, condition or injury. The information provided is a general guide only.
Administer 15ml 1x in feed, the evening before the event; followed by 15ml 1x in feed 2-4 hours pre-event.
For severe behavioural cases: Administer 30ml in feed 2-4 hours pre-event.Canine:
Administer 5ml 1x in feed, the evening before the event; followed by 5ml 1x in feed, 2-4 hours before the event.
For severe behavioural cases: Administer 5ml in feed 8 hours pre-event; followed by another 5ml in feed 2-4 hours pre-event.SAFETY
Harmful is swallowed .Will irritate the skin and eyes,
(avoid contact). Wear gloves
- Wash hands thoroughly after use.
- Not for human consumption,harmful if swallowed.
- Keep away from children and pets.
If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or poisons information centre Australia 13 11 26
No prohibited substances are contained within this product. Please adhere to rules and or regulations in each State/Territory,Industry,Event or Field.
Store SettlePaste below 30 c (Room Temperature) Keep away from sunlight do not leave in car or other places of extreme heat or where temperature exceeds normal conditions.
Thoughtfully by wrapping Settle Paste syringe in paper then into garbage.
Protection of wildlife, fish, crustaceans and environment, Settle Paste is extremely toxic to aquatic species.Do not contaminate dams,creeks,streams, waterways rivers etc with this chemical or containers.
Animal use only Not suitable for human consumption