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PRADECTIN with Tape 11.8g


Long Acting Horse Wormer and Boticide Gel.  


Moxidectin 20 mg/mL.

Praziquantel 125mg/mL

PRADECTIN with Tape 11.8g

SKU: prad
  • PRADECTIN With Tape 11.8g Long Acting Horse Wormer and Boticide Gel is palatable and effective for the treatment and control of:


    Large Strongyles

    Small Strongyles




    Intestinal Threadworms 

    Large Mouthed Stomach Worms


    Cutaneous Onchocerciasis

    Tapeworm: Anoplocephala perfoliata and Paranoplocephala mamillana

    Large Strongyles: Strongylus vulgaris (adults, L3 and L4 arterial larval stages), Strongylus edentatus (adults and L4 visceral larval stages), Strongylus equinus (adults), Triodontophorus spp. (adults) including T. brevicauda, T. serratus and T. tenuicollis, Craterostomum acuticaudatum (adults).

    Small Strongyles (adults)Cyathostomum spp. including C. catinatum and C. pateratum, Cylicostephanus spp. including C. calicatus, C. goldi, C. longibursatus and C. minutus, Cylicocyclus spp. including C. brevicapsulatus , C. elongatus, C. insigne, C. leptostomum, C. nassatus, C. radiatus, C ashworthi and C. ultrajectinus, Cylicodontophorus bicoronatus, Coronocyclus spp. including C. coronatus, C. labiatus and C. labratus, Gyalocephalus capitatus, Parapoteriostomum mettami, Petrovinema poculatus, Poteriostomum imparidentatum, as well as benzimidazole resistant strains.

    Pradectin with Tape Long Acting Horse Wormer and Boticide Gel is effective as a single dose against encysted stages of small strongyles: developing stages (DL), late encysted stages (LL3/EL4) , aids in control early encysted stages (EL3) including inhibited larvae.

    Pinworms: Oxyuris equi (adults and L3/L4 larval stages)

    Ascarids: Parascaris equorum (adults and intestinal stages (L4))

    Hairworms: Trichostrongylus axei (adults)

    Intestinal Threadworms: Strongyloides westeri

    Large Mouthed Stomach Worms: Habronema spp. (gastric and cutaneous (summer sore) forms) 

    Stomach Bots: Gasterophilus intestinalis (2 & 3 stage larvae), Gasterophilus nasalis (2 & 3 stage larvae)

    Cutaneous Onchocerciasis: Onchocerca spp. (microfilariae) Summer sores.

    Egg Reappearance Period (ERP) for Pradectin with Tape Long Acting Horse Wormer and Boticide Gel is at least 14 weeks, which means that recontamination of the pasture by strongyle eggs is significantly reduced during this period.

    Consult a veterinarian when developing a worm control program to suit your needs.



    • Screw the plastic adjuster to the correct weight of the horse.
    • Insert the syringe into the side of the horse's mouth (between front & back teeth)
    • Dispense the paste to the back of the tongue,                 
    • Raise the horses head immediately(few seconds) to ensure the full dose has been accepted


                   Harmful is swallowed ,Will irritate the skin and eyes,

                    (avoid contact). Wear gloves

    • Wash hands thoroughly after use.
    • Not for human consumption,harmful if swallowed.
    • Keep away from children and pets.


                                  KEEP AWAY FROM DOGS: 

    Excessive consumption of spilt material may cause toxicity.


                                     FIRST AID

    If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or poisons information centre Australia 13 11 26


                               MEAT WITHHOLDING PERIOD

    Do not use less than 28 days before slaughter for human consumption.



    StorePradectin  below 30 c (Room Temperature)  Keep away from sunlight do not leave in car or other places of extreme heat or where temperature exceeds normal conditions.



    Thoughtfully by wrapping Pradectin syringe in paper,then into garbage.



    Protection of wildlife, fish, crustaceans and environment,Product ingredients are extremely toxic to aquatic species. Do not contaminate dams,creeks,streams, waterways rivers etc , with this chemical or containers.

    Animal use only  Not suitable for human consumption

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